Saturday, January 22, 2011

Hey Comic Strip Class,

I am working on several different characters for a couple of different scenarios. First I have Tyler and Tate; two best friend next door neighbors around 7 yrs. old. They are highly inspired by Indiana Jones, Bear Grylls, and Scooby Doo. They have a lot of difficulties determining between making good decisions and having a good adventure (for example, if Bear Grylls can eat raw grasshoppers, they must be delicious if they are roasted over a small backyard fire). If people didn't know them, they would think they were twins because they seem to share one brain. Anything can happen with a little imagination and a farmers field behind their houses where adventure lies behind every turn. When the field is planted in potatoes, there must be a potato monster lurking about. When there is wheat or hay, similar monsters will exist. It's just plain logic.

The other characters are based off of people I have met that seemed to share similar interests. There are three guys (not sure what ages yet) that room in one of the guy's mother's basement. They have spray painted the windows black and call the basement "The Bat Cave". Thinking of Rush, Leonard, and Seth for their names. They all like Star Wars way too much and they know their local gaming/computer store guys by name. They highly respect every member of the geek squad from Best Buy and hope to achieve such great success some day. Rush fixes computers and mumbles a lot. He laughs at peoples inability to understand complex computer problems because he can take them apart and put them back together with his eyes closed. Leonard drives truck making local deliveries. It is his mothers basement that the three live in. He considers himself quite the ladies man, but he cant really speak to them without getting sick. Seth knows everything about anything useless. His heroes are Rush and Leonard. This is what I am thinking so far.



  1. Jared-

    I really like both of your ideas! Both have a lot of possibilities. Tyler and Tate make a great sort of "all ages" concept - they are very imaginative and charming, which is engaging and fun, but can also get themselves into trouble, which has the potential to create conflict (which is also good).

    Your three dudes sound hilarious as well. It sounds like you've done a good job making each of them individual people. I love their names too. I have to ask, are two of the names based on the band Rush and Leonard Skynard? This strip would appeal to a more specified audience, which comes with its pros and cons. You may be familiar with the online comic strip "penny arcade," which is targeted toward the "geek" culture and has been one of the most successful online comics. Many of your jokes would be lost on many people though (my first strip featured a lot of ancient pop culture references that were hilarious to some and head-scratchers to others). But if you know that going in, there's no problem.

    I'll have to think about these some more. They sound great. Any ideas on supporting cast for Tyler & Tate?


  2. Jared - Man, you really have a great imagination and a way with words! Great job! It sounds like you will have plenty of interesting scenarios with the characters you've proposed. Now, your challenge is to match your each character with an equally interesting characiture!

